Telling the Truth

Author and St. Barnabas parishioner, Louise Borden, has spent the last 33 years creating stories that feature ordinary people who do amazing things. A prolific children's book creative, Louise has published thirty-two books including some that have won awards or been translated into other languages.

In the beginning....

"I grew up in a house at the top of a steep street in Cincinnati, Ohio, the kind of street that is a big challenge when you are pedaling uphill on your bicycle. My two sisters and I used to ride our bikes down, down our street, and then to the local dime store to buy candy bars or meet up with our friends. But coming home, we had to pedal up our long hill. (This was before mountain bikes!) Pedaling slowly up my street may be where I learned perseverance, something all writers need when they are working alone at their desks.

"Some of the stories in my books are made up, and others are true. A few of my books are non-fiction biographies. All of my writing comes from within: I care deeply about the people, the places and the events that I write about. I hope that all my books celebrate what I think is important, and what I care about in life."

My first book Caps, Hats, Socks and Mittens is still being published after 30 years. It's a very simple text and it came out of my work with first graders. So that book started me on my road. And then I wrote another book and then another one, I wrote my first 7 books with


Stories that Inspire

On October 11 @ 7pm, the St. Barnabas book club will welcome Louise to share her journey in writing The Journey that Saved Curious George.

The true wartime escape of Margaret and H.A. Rey, who, in 1940, fled their Paris home as the German army advanced bicycling through Southern France with children’s book manuscripts among their few possessions. The Journey that Saved Curious George as well as an introduction to her other books will be the focus of this evening and we would love for anyone who wants to learn more to join us. RSVP here.

"My love for history as well as themes of escape and rescue are themes which run through my work. I write about people with integrity and courage and ordinary people who do amazing things."

My book Across the Blue Pacific is about my uncle, Ted Walker, whom I never knew. During World War II, he served as a young naval officer aboard a submarine, the USS Albacore, that was reported missing in action and Ted never returned home. So I wrote a fictional book about this from the point of view of the kid next door. Missing is such a small word for such a big thing. And for all these years my uncle was missing in action. In 2008, I was asked if I knew Clement O'Brien as he was on multiple war patrols with my uncle but not on the final fatal patrol. Both of these men served as officers on the Albacore and they plotted the firing of torpedoes. I was able to visit Clem in Upper Arlington in Columbus, where he told me countless stories and shared photos he had taken while aboard the submarine."

"In May of 2022, I got an email that the Albacore had been found by a Japanese professor off the coast of Japan in 800 feet of water. Months went by as the Navy had to make sure it was, in fact, the Albacore.They were able to identify it by the features on the submarine that Clem had told the Navy about before his death in 2015. At the Naval History and Heritage Command in Washington, DC, underwater archaeologists verified that the wreck was the Albacore and in February of 2023, the 85 families of the crew received an official letter from the Navy honoring the service and sacrifice of each sailor."

That week, our own Reverend Jane Gerdsen said a prayer for the men of the Albacore during the Tuesday Bible Study group in the sanctuary of St. Barnabas. The U.S. Navy held three memorial services for the Albacore families, including one on September 16 in Groton, CT - attended not only by Louise and Pete Borden, but also by Commander Bradley Boyd, the son of St. Barnabas members Mary Ann And Hank Boyd.

Courageous Story-telling

"Keeping the heart of the book with you as you type each word and each page keeps me focused. Telling the truth is a composition, the music of your words showing the drama or the inspiration or the tragic ending through voice."

"I receive many letters from children who have read my books and one second grader wrote, "How can you hear the sad ideas and not cry?”. Because, each of my stories are filled with perseverance, courage and integrity, which gives us a reason to hope."

"When I write, I have to believe in myself and my words as a creative person. – always.

Each time I sit down to write a book, explore new ideas or speak to a room of 500 children, I say, 'God, give me the energy and courage to articulate my story to inspire these children.'"

Telling the truth is never easy but it is Louise's passion and we are so glad that she has chosen to share it with all of us.

Telling the Truth

You have to care about the truth to tell it

Finding the truth may take you on distant travels

To search for the pictures

You’ll give to your reader

Through words

Telling the Truth

Gathering with your writer’s net

The best details to draw the reader in -

a younger reader and an older reader

because the truth is for all of us.

~ Louise Borden

To learn more about Louise please visit her website:


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