Everyone is welcome at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. Whether it's your first time walking through our red doors, or you'd like to get more involved, there's a place for you here.
A Christ-Centered Community of Encouragement
8:00am: Spoken Communion Service
10:00am: Communion Service with Music
Welcome to St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Montgomery, OH - a suburb of Cincinnati. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we're glad you're here. We're all about creating deeper bonds with God, each other, and our neighbors - especially through vibrant, Spirit-led, community ministries. So come on in - we can't wait to connect with you!
We welcome people of all ages and abilities to our church community. Our building is accessible and greeters will be available to help you in finding your way.
We offer a nut-free coffee hour and snacks for kids. We are sensitive to allergies, please let us know how we can accommodate your needs. We also offer gluten-free hosts during communion.
Hearing Assistance: An app is available to help those with trouble hearing the spoken word during services. It works with or without hearing aids. (Hearing aids must be Bluetooth compatible.) Learn more & download instructions.
Welcome to St. Barnabas
Lift up your heart to God and open your hands to serve those in need. Walk with us as we embody God’s love for all.
Have Questions? Want more information? We’d love to hear from you!
Sunday Worship Services
Sundays at 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.
On Sundays, we gather as a community for communion (also known as Eucharist), read from scripture, pray, and hear an uplifting message. The 8 a.m. service is spoken word only, and the 10 a.m. service includes music and choral worship. Our 10 a.m. worship service is streamed live.
Our church services follow a familiar structure or liturgy that remains consistent across different church seasons. If you've attended Catholic or Lutheran services before, ours will feel quite similar. If you haven’t, don’t worry, all are welcome and we provide everyone with a printed guide to participate in services.
During communion, we gather around a table with bread and wine to experience God's living presence among us. All are welcome to participate in communion or ask for a blessing.
If you have any questions, our friendly greeters are here to help.
Children & Youth Ministry
Children are always welcome at our services. We offer a staffed nursery for little ones under 3 during our 10 a.m. service. Plus, preschoolers through 5th graders can join us for Church School. We can't wait to see you!
St. Barnabas is located at 10345 Montgomery Road, Montgomery, OH 45242, just south of Bethesda North Hospital. Our church has a large parking lot that extends all the way around to the back of the building. You're welcome to any of the spots! We try to reserve a couple right up front for visitors.
If the parking lot looks full, you can also park on the street or at the medical center across Pfeiffer Road.
Wear whatever you want! We invite you to come exactly as you are. At our Sunday services, you'll notice people wearing everything from t-shirts and jeans to their Sunday best.
St. Barnabas is part of the Episcopal Church, a branch of the Anglican Communion, a family of churches around the world. We are grounded in a shared practice of common prayer.
We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God's love for every human being. We believe that God loves you—no exceptions!
The Episcopal Church considers itself both catholic and protestant. We are proud of our catholic heritage and traditions. Many of our members come from Roman Catholic backgrounds. The Episcopal Church is similar to the Roman Catholic Church in many ways. We have bishops, priests, deacons, sacraments, weekly communion, saints. We celebrate the same church seasons and share many of the same feast days.
There are some noticeable differences between The Episcopal Church and the Roman Catholic Church: In the Episcopal Church bishops and priests can be any gender and can be married; there is no centralized authority figure like the pope; lay people and clergy share in decision making for the church and we elect our leaders at every level of church leadership. We also support the full inclusion of women and lesbian, gay and transgender people in the life and ministry of the church.
We believe that our own reason and experience should inform our faith (alongside scripture and tradition) and so we are open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and the ways God might invite us to take information from science and new discoveries to shape our decision making and beliefs.