Touched by the Spirit
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Touched by the Spirit

A Journey of Calling, Creativity, and Connection: A Tactile Meditation on the Stations of the Cross. Meet Kendra Lacy and learn about her vision for creating an interactive Stations of the Cross. A prolific author, Kendra uses her gifts to bring us a beautiful way to experience this Lenten tradition in a brand new way.

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Ask the Priest:                  Shrove Tuesday
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Ask the Priest: Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the English version of Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. It is the feast before the fast. Traditionally, it was a day to clean out the pantry and use up all the sugar and eggs and rich foods before the season of Lent. What are your questions about our worship, our faith, or The Episcopal Church?

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Music in Motion
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Music in Motion

March 17th, 24th and 31st, we are honored to host a community collaboration between Episcopal Retirement Services and The Giving Voice Foundation. Both organizations are committed to enhancing the lives of older adults with this 45 minute program of music and yoga designed specifically for those living with Alzheimer’s/Dementia and their Caregivers.

If you or someone you care about is living with or taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, please share this unique opportunity for them to meet others on the same journey in a casual and welcoming environment. We ask that you register so that we can make room for everyone. Register by emailing:

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This is Us
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

This is Us

We are excited to introduce another exhibit to our Gallery Wall, created by one of our newest members, Anaïs Alexandre-Reverendo, whose passion for people is truly unwavering.

Anaïs started attending St. Barnabas in October 2024 after befriending Bill Talbot, a longtime member, while working at his senior living facility. During her time there, she connected with residents and developed a passion project, which she has brought to St. Barnabas to showcase the hearts and hands of the congregation.

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Our Stephen Ministers
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Our Stephen Ministers

Stephen Ministers are companions who offer one-to-one care to people in the congregation experiencing life difficulties. Each Stephen Minister has received extensive training and they are looking forward to beginning their ministry to members of our congregation. Over the next several weeks, we will be introducing our Stephen Ministers and sharing a bit about why they decided to offer themselves to serve our St. Barnabas community in this capacity.

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Visio Divina
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Visio Divina

Visio Divina is an ancient spiritual practice that invites us into a “divine seeing,” using art or images to contemplate God’s presence with us. Over the next few weeks, we will be practicing Visio Divina as part of our Sunday Morning Reflection Group. You can join us in person at 9 a.m. or practice at home.

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Advent  Artistry
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Advent Artistry

As we begin our journey through advent we welcome a new addition to our sanctuary. With a vision from Rev. Jane and the artisanal skills of member Andrea Anderson, a new installation of beautiful tapestries adorn our altar.

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Upcoming Advent & Christmas Events
Mariah - St. Barnabas Parish Life Coordinator Mariah - St. Barnabas Parish Life Coordinator

Upcoming Advent & Christmas Events

Find invites to Advent activities like our Annual Advent Party, St. Nicholas Sunday, Community Outreach, Concerts, and Parties.

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Red Door Kitchens Presents: A Night in Paris with Diane
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Red Door Kitchens Presents: A Night in Paris with Diane

Diane grew up with French cuisine and for many years during her childhood, they spent 3-4 weeks at her grandparents house in Paris.  “I have so many memories at my grandparents table…going to the bakery, going to the market and sourcing our food everyday.

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Discovering Dementia
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Discovering Dementia

Join us Sunday, November 17 following the 10am service as we welcome Shannon Braun, Director of the Episcopal Retirement Services for Memory Support & Inclusion. We will share lunch as Shannon leads us in the first of a series of forums dedicated to the impact of dementia on the person who is experiencing it and the loved ones who are touched by it in our families and our congregation.

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Challenge Coins
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Challenge Coins

One special kind of award is a challenge coin. A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion, bearing an organization's insignia or emblem and carried by the organization's members. These coins are a physical symbol of appreciation and recognition of a job well done or exemplary service.

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Camp Changes Lives
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Camp Changes Lives

Over the summer, OGB launched their first ever summer camp experience for the 50 students that are part of their tutoring program.

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To Build a Swing
The Rev. Jane Gerdsen The Rev. Jane Gerdsen

To Build a Swing

I love these lines from the poet Hafiz, a Persian mystic, who lived 700 years ago and yet still speaks to us today. One of the things I love about our St. Barnabas community is the creativity and generosity that is so evident at every turn. We are a people who love to make things together, whether art or music, cooking up food, building houses, making plans, dreaming big.

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Small Groups at St. B.
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Small Groups at St. B.

A small group is a place where you can be known and know others and listen for God’s movement in your life through connecting for meaningful conversation and to grow in your faith and understanding of God’s call in your life.

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Children & Youth Fall Events
Guest User Guest User

Children & Youth Fall Events

Need to keep track of all the activities going on for children, youth and families? Here is a calendar of fall events for kids and families, with links to register all in one place!

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Congratulations Mary Beth
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Congratulations Mary Beth

We celebrate Mary Beth Dauner as she retires after 34 years on staff at St. Barnabas. As Mary Beth prepares to fall back into the role of parishioner and not employee, she agreed to an interview where she shared her life and how she came to be an integral part of our church family.

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Our Chief Termite Retires
Mariah - St. Barnabas Parish Life Coordinator Mariah - St. Barnabas Parish Life Coordinator

Our Chief Termite Retires

David Browe writes to share with the people of St. Barnabas about a leadership transition as he steps down as MCL for Buildings and Grounds and hands over the reins to Bert Nelson, our former senior warden.

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