The St. Barnabas Endowment Fund: Questions Answered

Alongside, Rev. Jane, the Endowment Committee is committed in assisting parishioners in making end of life giving decisions to support your loved ones.

"The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses." — The Book of Common Prayer, Page 455

What is an endowment fund?

The unique characteristic of an endowment fund is the requirement that contributions to the fund cannot be spent (except under extraordinary and unusual circumstances), and only earnings – interest, dividends, and capital gains – can be used for the purposes designated by the fund. As a result, endowed funds are intended to be everlasting. In the case of the St. Barnabas Endowment Fund, the uses of the earnings of the Fund are restricted to non-operating uses. Some examples of these uses are outreach ministries, and capital projects, to repair or upgrade the parish’s building and other property. The St. Barnabas Endowment Fund was established by the Vestry in 2014 to provide income in perpetuity for the Church.

What is the goal of the Endowment Fund?

The goal of the fund is to enable St. Barnabas to fulfill its mission by developing ministries beyond what is possible through operating funds. As of March 31, 2023, the fund now totals $145,380 with future funding of approximately $600,000. The overall goal is to reach $1,000,000. This would generate approximately $30,000 - $50,000 per year in income to help achieve the mission of St. Barnabas.

What are the likely sources of funds to the St. Barnabas Endowment Fund?

Parishioners and friends of the parish are the most likely donors. Gifts to the fund may come in a variety of forms (cash, securities, life insurance, stock, other assets). The fund offers a great way for anyone to honor a special achievement (birthday, graduation, baby) or memorable event (anniversary, celebration of a life well lived) with any size gift.

What is the St. Barnabas Legacy Circle?

Larger gifts of ($1,000 or more) or anyone who remembers St. Barnabas in their estate becomes a member of the St. Barnabas Legacy Circle (16 members today). This group provides feedback to the Endowment Committee on ways the funds might be used – such as new ministries.

What protects the Endowment Fund from being used to support the operations of the parish?

The Enabling Resolution establishing the Endowment Fund prevents transfers of monies tothe parish’s operating account other than to support the approved purposes of the Fund.

Will the investments of the Endowment Fund be professionally managed?

The Enabling Resolution and Policies and Guidelines provide for the engagement of professional investment management of the Fund’s assets. St. Barnabas’ Endowment Fund is currently managed as a sub-account of the Diocese’s endowment fund, managed by PNC Bank.

Who will administer the Endowment Fund?

The St. Barnabas Endowment Fund will be administered by a committee composed of five parishioners, appointed by the Vestry. Each committee member will be appointed for a term of up to 5 years. Each year the Vestry appoints a new member to the committee, to replace a retiring member. Members of the committee may serve for up to two consecutive terms.

If I’m interested in contributing to the Endowment Fund, what kind of assets can I contribute?

With no restrictions, cash and publicly traded securities; with the agreement of the Fund’s Gift Review Committee, closely held and not-readily-marketable securities, insurance policies, real estate, and tangible personal property.

What is the relationship between the Endowment Fund Committee and the Vestry?

The Committee members are appointed by the Vestry, and report to the Vestry. The Committee is obligated to report to the Vestry after each of its meeting, and to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting.

What types of investments will the Endowment Fund hold?

Most of the investments will be in publicly traded equities and bonds, either through direct ownership, or mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds. There is a provision for the Fund to hold cash (or equivalents) and other kinds of investments, with restrictions.

How does the Endowment Fund impact on-going giving and the Annual Stewardship Campaign?

There is no relationship between these two sources of giving. On-going giving supports the operation of the parish, while the earnings (and the corpus) of the Endowment Fund are generally prohibited from being used to support parish operations.

Whom may I contact if I have a question about the Endowment Fund?

You can contact any of the Vestry members or Endowment members listed below:

John Byrne:

Cilla Bamford:

Brian Leary:

Forrest Fairley:

Jim Hill:


Soul Collage


Todd the Tektōn