Camp Changes Lives
St. Barnabas Sponsors First OGB Summer Camp
A few weeks ago, Martha Seagram and I dropped by Operation Give Back one afternoon. The staff and students at the after school tutoring program were excited to share with us about what they had done this summer.
Over the summer, OGB launched their first ever summer camp experience for the 50 students that are part of their tutoring program. The idea was to provide activities for kids who would otherwise not have them, and also provide a way for OGB to stay connected with them over the summer. They proposed the idea to St. Barnabas and through our Outreach Ministry agreed to fund the first year as a special project.
The students gave us a photo album of summer camp.
Every kid had a favorite activity from learning to swim, going to the Paint Playground, visiting the Underground Freedom Center, boating at Lake Lorelei, pottery classes, exploring nature at Hueston Woods, or playing at the splash pad at the park. They also had a summer book club to keep kids reading through the summer. The camp was designed to be a mix of outdoor activities, art experiences, learning and exploration. But most of all, it was fun – the kind of summer experiences many of us take for granted.
One mom shared with camp staff, with tears in her eyes, that she was overjoyed that her child could have such an amazing summer. An added bonus was that the kids had something to share with classmates when they returned to school that they wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Camp changes lives, it encourages young people to try new things, face challenges, and grow in confidence. Maybe you have seen this as you or your child attend Procter Summer Camp or Art Camp or any number of other camp experiences. I know camp has been such an important part of my life and I am so proud of St. Barnabas for offering a camp experience to so many children this summer!
In the parish library is the photo book they gave to us with photos and quotes about their summer camp. I hope you can see for yourself the impact of camp on these young people!