Nature Emerging

During a recent thunderstorm, I was reminded how powerful nature can be, when the tree in our front yard was struck right down the middle by a bolt of lightning.  My neighbor’s Ring camera caught it all and I have watched that recording over and over again.  I am in awe of this powerful act of nature.  How, just like our lives, we experience storms that blow the bark off our strong exterior which makes way for restorative growth in our spiritual journey. 

Maui at the top of Haleakala Crater

Capturing the beauty and splendor of creations is a passion for St. Barnabas member Jill Bechard.   Jill and her husband, Tom, began attending in the fall of 2023 and officially joined in January of 2024.  Jill has had the opportunity to fulfill her passion for nature and landscape photography and has graciously filled our Gallery Wall this week with her stunning images.

During a recent chat, Jill shared a little about her life and how she came to be behind the lens.

Tell us how you found your way to St. Barnabas?

We are originally from Kansas City, where I started my career as an attorney. I stayed home with our kids for a while and because of several job relocations for my husband who works for P&G, moving became routine every few years. From Kansas City, we moved to Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Fayetteville, Cincinnati, Rhode Island, and back to Cincinnati. 

 When did you begin your photography journey?

I began shooting photos as a young mother. I was the family photographer, capturing pictures of our kids, our dog, and our regular family life.  During our time in Rhode Island, I expanded my passion for photography, attending the Rhode Island School of Design, graduating in 2016 with a Digital Photography Certification. Nature and landscape photography immediately became a passion of mine when I took a landscape class, capturing New England beaches, lighthouses, waterfalls, and more.

 How does this art form speak to you and strengthen your love for this earth?

Something is magical about stopping, looking around, and taking time to reflect. It’s the way to find inspiration and create art. When you have a camera in hand, it’s easy to feel close to Mother Earth. The lens has a way of clearing the clutter and connecting you to nature.

 You have traveled to so many places and been able to capture your life in photos, I know it’s hard to choose but do you have one moment that stands out to you?

 One of my favorite photographic moments was up on a cliff on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland - a place so magical, that movies have been filmed there. We followed a winding dirt pathway up to the mountaintop. What’s not to love about sheep staring at you atop the most westerly point in Europe? As the sun went down and the sky lit up, I couldn’t help but feel close to God.

 No matter what the view, I’m always inspired to create. To tell a story. Take a picture, change the camera settings, and the story changes. Nature provides endless narratives. Capturing those images to tell a great story and evoke emotion is always the goal. 

 Thank you, Jill, for sharing your passion and inspiring us to see the stories as nature emerges before our very eyes.

 To see more of Jill’s work visit her website

Kara Shay’s tree after the storm.


Nature Emerging

