God’s Handiwork: Meet Diane Bryne and Ruth Harrison

Diane Byrne started sewing at a young age; “I think I was about 10 or 11,” she said. She was inspired by her mom who thought it was a skill she would need.  It turns out she was right! 

“I really don't remember when I started knitting, but I think it was my grandmother that got me started,” she said.  She started to crochet in the eighth grade when a friend taught her.

The pieces she is most proud of are dance competition solo costumes she made for her girls.  “I love them because they were made for their first solo competitions”. Diane said competition season is a special time, some of it good and some of it not so good, but all of it memorable!

Ruth Harrison is another accomplished needleworker. Her mother was her inspiration. “I started making things with my mother,” she said. Her needlepoint piece of the Twenty-third Psalm is the creation she’s most proud of. “The psalm has always meant so much to me, and it gave my mother so much joy when I took it to her in England.”


God’s Handiwork: Meet Sue Hillhouse and Barbara Stout