Parish Listening Process
Dear St. Barnabas Members,
I am writing to invite you to join us in a parish-wide listening process this Easter Season. We are listening for God’s call to us as we grow into the future. Our Vestry and Strategic Planning Team will be listening with one ear to the congregation’s collective input about their hopes for the future of St. Barnabas, and with a second ear to where God is beckoning us next in our continuing journey as God’s church.
The Listening Process will happen in two phases. We will begin by gathering in focus groups to listen together for the dreams and priorities of our members and for where the Holy Spirit is leading us. Our first set of listening groups will be on Sunday, May 5th following the 10 a.m. service. We will also offer a second session on June 2nd. Each session will be only an hour and will be intentionally kept small so we can hear your thoughts. We hope you will consider joining in one of these focus groups as a way to help us co-create our future together. You can click below to participate in a group.
The second phase will be a parish-wide survey which will help us understand the priorities and interests of our members. The parish survey will be launched the first week of May following the initial focus groups.
Over the summer, our leaders will review the information gathered and incorporate your thoughts into our planning process as we work to build a strategic plan for our parish. This faithful work of turning to each other and listening for God’s guidance in our common life is important. I hope you will share your thoughts and ideas with us in the coming weeks and pray for God’s vision to guide us.
Take our Parish Survey here. Share your ideas!