Summer Sabbath
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Summer Sabbath

In the busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between work and rest. All life requires a rhythm of rest. There is a rhythm in waking and sleeping, of nature growing and laying fallow, there is a rhythm of the tides coming in and going out. There is even a rhythm to our breathing in and out, in each inhale and exhale.

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God’s Handiwork: Meet Mary Ellen Baude and Elizabeth Fallon
Pat Taylor Pat Taylor

God’s Handiwork: Meet Mary Ellen Baude and Elizabeth Fallon

Two of our crafters of the month are a mother-daughter team: Mary Ellen Baude and her daughter  Elizabeth Fallon, both accomplished knitters. Mary Ellen’s mother taught her to knit when she was nine years old. “I’ve been knitting ever since,” she said.

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Stephen Ministry Program for St. Barnabas
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church St. Barnabas Episcopal Church

Stephen Ministry Program for St. Barnabas

One of the best ways to tell that our congregation cares for its members is its new commitment to developing a Stephen Ministry Program for the members of St. Barnabas. Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation experiencing life difficulties.

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God’s Handiwork
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

God’s Handiwork

As we enter the summer season at St. Barnabas, we are featuring hand work including knitting, quilting, sewing, needlepoint, counted cross-stitch and weaving by some of our very own St. B artists.  We are grateful to all of the women who have shared their most treasured pieces throughout our Great Hall, Chapel of the Rose and Gallery Wall hallway. To begin our series, we feature Master Weaver, Andrea Anderson.

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Finding a Full Welcome
Kathy Stockman Kathy Stockman

Finding a Full Welcome

I loved my Catholic upbringing but, the Episcopal Church and St. Barnabas in particular, has helped me grow a more welcoming heart beyond the red doors by learning to greet others with smiles, hugs, maybe even kisses, and absolutely no guilt.

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Parish Listening Process
Jane Gerdsen Jane Gerdsen

Parish Listening Process

We are listening for God’s call to us as we grow into the future. Our Vestry and Strategic Planning Team will be listening with one ear to the congregation’s collective input about their hopes for the future of St. Barnabas, and with a second ear to where God is beckoning us next in our continuing journey as God’s church.

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Nature Emerging
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Nature Emerging

Meet our next photographer in our Nature Emerging series, Mark Musheno. Mark's life has taken him to many places in this wonderful world and his amazing life story fuels his desire to see the beauty in all of God's creation.

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Nature Emerging
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Nature Emerging

Capturing the beauty and splendor of God’s creations is a passion for St. Barnabas member Jill Bechard. Jill has had the opportunity to fulfill her passion for nature and landscape photography and has graciously filled our Gallery Wall this week with her stunning images.

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Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson


As we prepare for the final days of Holy Week, we are so grateful for all of the crosses adorning our Gallery Wall.  The final crosses have been added and your stories continue to inspire all of us.


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New Habitat Re-Store
Parish Life Coordinator Parish Life Coordinator

New Habitat Re-Store

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati has just opened its newest ReStore, just outside of Loveland in northeastern Hamilton County. It is the sixth ReStore in the Cincinnati metropolitan area and is located at 10689 Loveland-Madeira Road. As you may know, Habitat's ReStores accepts donations of furniture, plumbing and lighting fixtures, lumber, and other building materials for resale at discounts to the public. The profits from the ReStores are used to help Habitat build more homes for families who hope to become first-time homeowners.

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Connecting Through Food: Khalil’s Story
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Connecting Through Food: Khalil’s Story

St. Barnabas parishioner, Khalil El-Chammas, taught us to make hummus and pita bread as part of our Red Door Kitchen a few weeks ago. Khalil grew up in Lebanon and shared with us about where he is from, his life, and his love of cooking.

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The Way of the Cross
The Rev. Jane Gerdsen The Rev. Jane Gerdsen

The Way of the Cross

I love this cross. I got it in 2018 while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land with some of you. I remember walking the Via Dolorosa, the path Jesus himself walked, and how our group stopped at each of the spots to pray together in the busy streets of the Old City.

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Holy Week 2024
Parish Life Coordinator Parish Life Coordinator

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week is the most solemn and sacred time of the Christian year, when we are invited by our liturgical tradition to contemplate the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, death and resurrection.

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Co-Creators with God
The Rev. Jane Gerdsen The Rev. Jane Gerdsen

Co-Creators with God

God loves to create and sees all created things as good. The Hebrew word used in this passage is “tov.” Tov means not only good, but something that is beautiful and has within it the possibility to create more of itself. Anything that produces life and contains the potential to create more life.

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Meet Richard H. Davis
Kara Shay Thomson Kara Shay Thomson

Meet Richard H. Davis

Richard (Dick) Davis and his wife Merrily have been a part of the fabric of St. Barnabas since 1983. Raising their family here, all three generations continue to share their time, talent, and treasure to shape the past, present, and future of St. Barnabas.

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Blessing Upon Blessing
The Rev. Jane Gerdsen The Rev. Jane Gerdsen

Blessing Upon Blessing

I love this picture. It was taken at our parish picnic this summer. I was asked to pray before we ate, as priests often are! And as I started praying, Maddie ran up to give me a hug. It was a real moment in time that captures how I feel about our life together at St. Barnabas.

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Ash Wednesday at St. Barnabas
The Rev. Jane Gerdsen The Rev. Jane Gerdsen

Ash Wednesday at St. Barnabas

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent where we seek to turn our hearts back to God in preparation for Easter.

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